Breaking Down Your Posting Strategy

When you are putting together a posting strategy for your business’s social media accounts, its suggested that you post about 3-5 times throughout the week. Doing this will help you build a strong presence on the internet, as well as proving to your audience that your business is staying up-to-date in industry news and research. But what should you be posting? This is where the 80/20 strategy comes into play!
The content you’re sharing should be geared towards the interests of your target audience 80% of the time, including: links to articles, fun facts or tips, and pictures that will really grab your audience’s attention! The remaining 20% of your posts should focus on promoting your business and the services or products you offer. Make sure to always remind your audience of the great benefits they will receive from working with you.
The 80/20 strategy seems simple enough, right? But I bet you’re wondering why we use it here at SocialMadeSimple for some of our clients. Here are the top 5 tips for using the 80/20 strategy for your business:
- Refrain from overwhelming your audience with a boatload of posts about your great products and amazing customer service skills. Followers may feel spammed, as social media is a way to communicate with people, not at them.
- Post relevant content geared towards your target audience. You will add legitimacy to your business pages and consumers may be more likely to frequent your page.
- Avoid posting articles that are opinion based. By doing this, it may help to avoid any negative comments on your social media pages, which will look bad for your business.
- Mix up the type of content you are posting so your audience isn’t getting too many of the same types of posts back-to-back. Changing up the order of your posts will keep your audience entertained and excited to visit your page.
- Alternate your promotional posts so that you are promoting your products and services, quality of service, testimonials written by clients, and examples of the work you have completed for past clients. Your fans will want to learn about all aspects of your business!
By using these tips, you should expect to gain page likes, followers, and leads. All of which will lead to more sales! Although most clients that we work with have similar goals, they will vary from business to business. Check out our website at to see how we can help you gain the recognition you need to succeed!